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Cicho, ciepło, szczelnie, bezpiecznie

Innowacyjny system FASADA RICH łączy cechy systemu LINEAR wraz z ulepszonymi właściwościami cieplnymi oraz szczelnościowymi opracowanymi przez firmę FASADA. Zastosowane zmiany konstrukcyjne mają pozytywny wpływ na zmianę parametrów okna FASADA RICH w zakresie poniższych właściwości: • zwiększenie szczelności okna w zakresie przepuszczalności powietrza, • zwiększenie wodoszczelności okna na...
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Stylish and timeless

The 74-mm technology, a further development in the 70-mm segment, ensures high stability with modern functional glass and, thanks to the multi-chamber construction, provides more safety, sound insulation and thermal insulation. The versatility of the system is complemented by the straight-line design, thus following the minimalist...
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Enjoy peace and quiet

Excellent thermal insulation properties make SYNEGO windows also your long-term contribution to environmental protection. Mounted in your home or apartment achieve up to 45% more thermal insulation, compared to the old generation windows. This saves energy, provides cozy warmth, and also enhances the value...
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Economical addition to the Aluprof window & door systems

The MB-79N is a state-of-the art and economical addition to the Aluprof window & door systems. It has been designed to outperform typical thermal insulation requirements. The MB-79N series can be used to fabricate fixed, side-hung, hopper, tilt-and-turn, and...
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The SKB Styroterm top-mounted roller shutter and blinds system is a highly technologically advanced solution, which was developed with a view to improving the energy balance of the building. The box is made of extruded polystyrene (XPS). The product can be used both in newly erected buildings, as...
On-window facade blinds
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Future is today

The GENEO windows are not only the highest class of thermal protection, but also the best standards of sound insulation and anti-burglary protection. The profile’s core made of RAU-FIPRO composite material eliminated the need of use of traditional steel reinforcement. Thanks to that, the thermal proprieties...
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Elegance and simplicity in one

Gealan Kubus is much more than an ordinary window system. It’s a combination of innovativeness, minimalism, functionality and many construction possibilities. Large glazings allow to efficiently and spectacularly enhance lighting within a room. From inside, the Gealan Kubus system forms a unique...
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Stability and thermal insulation at the first place

The system was designed for the Scandinavian and northern Germany market which is typical of construction style of these regions – windows opened outwards. The innovative RAU-FIPRO material used in the group of GENEO profiles ensures ideal stability and perfect insulation...
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Perfect thermal insulation is possible!

New GEALAN S 9000 system with a width of 82.5 mm constitutes a combination of features and advantages of both inner and rebate gaskets. The system's width, six chambers in the window frame and sash and coherent seals distribution system in three planes...
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Calm and safety

The S8000 IQ system with rebate gaskets with a profile’s depth of 74 mm is a response for continuously increasing demands of the market. That's not just a guarantee of a very good thermal and sound insulation, but also very high protection against burglars. The...